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Adds a Text Art object to the current sheet with the parameters specified.


expression.AddWordArt(oTextPr, sText, sTransform, oFill, oStroke, nRotAngle, nWidth, nHeight, nFromCol, nFromRow, nColOffset, nRowOffset);

expression - A variable that represents a ApiWorksheet class.


NameRequired/OptionalData typeDefaultDescription
oTextPrOptionalApiTextPrApi.CreateTextPr()The text properties.
sTextOptionalstring"Your text here"The text for the Text Art object.
sTransformOptionalTextTransform"textNoShape"Text transform type.
oFillOptionalApiFillApi.CreateNoFill()The color or pattern used to fill the Text Art object.
oStrokeOptionalApiStrokeApi.CreateStroke(0, Api.CreateNoFill())The stroke used to create the Text Art object shadow.
nRotAngleOptionalnumberfalseRotation angle.
nWidthOptionalEMU1828800The Text Art width measured in English measure units.
nHeightOptionalEMU1828800The Text Art heigth measured in English measure units.
nFromColOptionalnumberfalseThe column number where the beginning of the Text Art object will be placed.
nFromRowOptionalnumberfalseThe row number where the beginning of the Text Art object will be placed.
nColOffsetOptionalEMUfalseThe offset from the nFromCol column to the left part of the Text Art object measured in English measure units.
nRowOffsetOptionalEMUfalseThe offset from the nFromRow row to the upper part of the Text Art object measured in English measure units.




This example adds a Text Art object to the sheet with the parameters specified.

var oWorksheet = Api.GetActiveSheet();
var oTextPr = Api.CreateTextPr();
oTextPr.SetColor(51, 51, 51, false);
oTextPr.SetFontFamily("Comic Sans MS");
var oFill = Api.CreateSolidFill(Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 111, 61));
var oStroke = Api.CreateStroke(1 * 36000, Api.CreateSolidFill(Api.CreateRGBColor(51, 51, 51)));
oWorksheet.AddWordArt(oTextPr, "onlyoffice", "textArchUp", oFill, oStroke, 0, 100 * 36000, 20 * 36000, 0, 2, 2 * 36000, 3 * 36000);